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Workshop Request Form

Use the following form to request a writing or research workshop for your course, either in your classroom or online: Library Research and Writing Workshop Request Form.

You can also use the form to request an orientation on tutoring services.

If you prefer to talk to a librarian about asynchronous video and module options that can be added to your course in My Courses, please email

What Are Writing and Research Workshops?

Do your students struggle to identify and cite appropriate resources for their research assignments? Do they rely on Google to find sources for their research papers and get lost in the overwhelming amount of online information?

Library and Academic Support staff create lessons and provide students with targeted lessons around research and writing skills, such as:

  • Setting up a search strategy
  • Understanding the information landscape
  • Choosing an appropriate library database or place to search
  • Identifying and distinguishing types of sources
  • Creating citations and using information ethically
  • Outlining papers
  • Writing in APA format

These workshops can result in more appropriate sources used in assignments, a broad understanding of how information is structured online, and life-long skills in navigating our online world.

Embedding Skills Into Classes

We provide library instruction in many different formats, both synchronous and asynchronous. We are happy to discuss the best options for your class and assignment.


Synchronous Workshop Asynchronous Module
Meet during your class period Students can complete activities throughout the week
In-person or on Zoom Modules or guides that can be embedded in My Courses
Hands-on activities in class Videos, tutorials, worksheets, etc.
Tailored to your class and assignment Tailored to your class and assignment


Suggestions for Faculty

Tips for effective workshops:

  • Staff cannot cover every aspect of the research or writing - lessons will be targeted for your assignment and students' needs
  • If meeting synchronously:
    • Please schedule the workshop after students have chosen topics and are actively working on research - if you're unsure when would be the best time to meet, reach out and we can discuss this with you
      • Students tend to retain more of the library instruction lesson when it is immediately applicable
      • If students do not have research topics, a librarian to come and provide a lesson on how to choose or develop an appropriate topic
    • Consider inviting us to visit more than once to scaffold research skills across multiple visits or combine the live lesson with an asynchronous module embedded in My Courses that students complete prior to the sessions
  • If using asynchronous modules in My Courses, we can discuss the best timing to assign the modules with you