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AI in Education


Artificial intelligence (AI) is an increasingly common topic in higher education today; with the launch of refined generative AI tools such as Grammarly, ChatGPT, Watson, Bard, etc., educators are more aware than ever of the presence of AI in education. AI has been present in educational technology for some time, from using auto-captions that help our students follow along with videos to plagiarism detection tools that aid instructors in monitoring academic integrity. 

While the presence of AI can feel overwhelming, it is essential to recognize the impact AI is playing on society. Informing ourselves and students about the benefits and implications of using AI will be imperative in preparing graduates to learn how to integrate these tools into their work in successful and ethical ways. 

Important Notes on AI

  • There is no tool that will detect AI-created content with 100% accuracy
  • AI detection tools are not always smart enough to identify non-native English writers and can misclassify their writing as AI content
  • Not all AI tools are created equal. Tools like Google Bard and ChatGPT are created for the consumer market and are not intended to be used with sensitive institutional data. 
  • AI is already an active part of today's workforce which students will need to be prepared to enter.

AI - An Overview

This video from WSJ Tech News Briefing gives an overview of AI, what it is, how it works, and why it's important.

AI in Education

This TED Talk from Sal Khan, the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, discusses how artificial intelligence could spark the greatest positive transformation education has ever seen.