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Download Zotero

Zotero is a free, open-source reference management tool. Use Zotero to store, manage, and cite bibliographic references for your research and assignments, such as books, articles, and websites. 

zotero logo 

Using Zotero

Save sources to your Zotero library from the Zotero app, or from your browser using the Zotero extension for your browser (aka, the Zotero Connector). In the desktop app you can add items automatically by uploading a file or by an identifier (ISBN, DOI, PMID, and more), or manually by selecting an item type and filling in the information yourself. From your web browser, you can add any item using the Zotero extension including articles from a database, the library, or a publishers website, and websites with a snapshot attachment. 

Zotero can create citations in all major citation styles, including all the styles you might use at CSP. Remember that automatically generated citations can have mistakes from odd capitalizations, abbreviations, or additional punctuation. Be sure to check over your citations for errors. 

Organize and categorize your Zotero library using tags, collections, and notes. Collaborate with shared collections. 

Access your Zotero library (all the sources you have saved) in the desktop app. If you create an account, you can also access your library in the web browser version of Zotero. You can view all your citations online, and there is limited free cloud storage for attached documents. 

Why Use Zotero?

Zotero allows you to grab sources from OneSearch, databases, and websites; organize those sources; take notes on them; and automatically cite them in your writing. It also has a host of other features dedicated to professional networking and collaboration. 

As open-source software, Zotero is supported entirely by users, is compatible with most operating systems, and is highly customizable via a host of user-made tools and add-ons.

Use Zotero to:

  • Organize and store your sources
  • Access your sources from any device via Zotero's cloud
  • Take notes on your sources
  • Automatically format in-text citations and bibliographies
  • Create workflows for organizing your research

ZoteroBib Citation Generator

Remember to check auto-generated citations for accuracy using our citation guides. Sometimes capitalization, abbreviations, or punctuation can come out incorrectly due to the information found by the generator.