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CJU 491: Forensic Exploration in the Criminal Justice System

Use this guide to find peer-reviewed articles, as well as videos and news investigative coverage of a crime.

What Is Peer-Review?

Peer-reviewed journals go through a rigorous process. Other scholars in the field review articles to ensure they meet scholarly and research standards. 

Peer-reviewed articles and journals are considered 'scholarly' -- they are created by scholars and for scholars.

Note that all peer-reviewed journals are scholarly, but not all scholarly journals are peer-reviewed.

Watch this video for more information on Peer-review and types of sources:

Searching For Peer Reviewed Articles in Library Databases

Peer-Reviewed articles are included in OneSearch and most library databases. You can narrow your search to only include articles in peer-reviewed journals.

To limit to peer-reviewed articles in OneSearch select "Peer-reviewed Journals" from the Availability menu on the left. Other databases have similar filters.


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