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Finding eBooks through CSP Library

How do I access eBooks on EBSCOhost?

  1. Navigate to eBooks on EBSCOhost from the library homepage by selecting Databases above the OneSearch toolbar. Click on "E" and scroll down to "eBooks on EBSCOhost." You can also access the direct link to eBooks on EBSCOhost.
  2. Log in using your CSP username and password.
  3. The search bar defaults to searching by keyword. You do not need to select a field if you want to search this way. If you are looking for a specific eBook, you can search by title, author, subject, category, ISBN, publication year, or publisher. (Categories are similar to subjects. These options can be helpful if you have already found an eBook that fits your topic, and you want to find other eBooks that are similar.)
  4. You can refine your results in the left taskbar to get results that are more suitable to your topic. If you are on a mobile device, click the two inward-facing arrows on the left side of your screen to show the taskbar.
  5. When you find the eBook you want, click on the title to view the record for it.
  6. To view the eBook, you can select an option from the left taskbar (i.e. "PDF Full Text," "EPUB Full Text," etc.). From here, you have three options:
    1. Read Online: This is the easiest way to access an eBook on EBSCO. The eBook can be viewed in your browser. You can share the eBook, search within the text, copy quotations, and get citations. If you create an account, you can take notes and add the eBook to a folder for later use.
    2. Save/Email/Print Pages: Each eBook has a set amount of pages users can save, email, or print. This amount will be indicated when you click one of these options on the top taskbar above the eBook. The PDF can be opened in any application that reads PDF (e.g. Adobe Reader, Google Chrome, & Microsoft Edge). It is yours to keep and will not expire. You do not need an additional account to use these options.
    3. Full Download: Downloading an eBook is similar to checking a book out from the library. You will need 3 accounts to download an eBook (CSP, EBSCO, and Adobe ID). You can select how long you'll keep the eBook, and you can access it from multiple devices. When the loan period ends, you will no longer be able to access the eBook. This eBook can only be opened in Adobe Digital Editions. See "What is Adobe Digital Editions?"

Anatomy of an eBook Record

  1. Viewing options: The Detailed Record option allows you to see all of the information about the eBook before opening it. You can click on either PDF Full Text or EPUB Full Text to view the eBook in your browser.
  2. Related information: These options allow you to explore eBooks similar to the one you're viewing, and also to explore inside the text with chapter titles and commonly viewed pages (this option is not available for all eBooks).
  3. Subjects and categories: The subjects and categories are specific to the eBook you're looking at. All of these are clickable, and direct you to a search of other titles with that subject or category.
  4. Publisher permissions: This information indicates the restrictions on viewing the eBook. It tells you how many pages from the eBook you can print, email, or save, how many pages can be copied and pasted, and how many users can access the eBook at the same time.
  5. Tools: All of these options help you access the record information in different ways. These do not save or share the eBook itself. A similar toolbar is at the top of the eBook when you view it in your browser, and these options will help you save and share the eBook.
    1. Google Drive: Save the record information to your Google Drive.
    2. Add to folder/Remove from folder: You have the option to create an account in EBSCO so you can save eBooks, make notes, and bookmark pages. This option allows you to save it to your account, so you can access the eBook later from the top toolbar.
    3. Print: This option prints the record information. You can also print the citation for the eBook from here.
    4. E-mail: With this option, you can send an email of the record information and a link to the eBook.
    5. Save: This saves only the record information and citation.
    6. Cite: Use this to get started on citing the eBook, but make sure you check the citation for accuracy. These citations are made by a computer and have not been reviewed by a person.
    7. Export: This option allows you to export the record information to a variety of programs, including Zotero.
    8. Create Note: This can be used with or without logging in. If you create a note and you are not logged in, you can print the note along side the basic record information. If you log in, you can save the note for later access.
    9. Permalink: This is the permanent link of this eBook through EBSCO.
    10. Share: Here, you can share the link to the eBook on a variety of websites, include Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter.

What is Adobe Digital Editions?

Adobe Digital Editions is a separate application from Adobe Reader. It is made specifically for eBooks and is required for offline reading. You can use it on your Windows or Mac computer, or you can install the app on your Apple or Android phone. It is not compatible with Kindles.

To install Adobe Digital Editions on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Full Download. A pop-up will ask you to create an account or sign in. This is separate from your CSP login. Create an account.
  2. The next pop-up will ask you to check a box agreeing that you have downloaded Adobe Digital Editions. Click on the link it provides. This will open a new window that will have links to download the application for Mac and Windows. Select the one for the computer you are working on. Open the downloaded file and follow the instructions.
  3. Log in to Adobe Digital Editions by clicking on "Help" and selecting "Authorize Computer." Click on Create an Adobe ID to create an account.
  4. When you're done with the installation, return to the window that shows the eBook you want to download and select how long you want to keep the eBook.

To install Adobe Digital Editions on your mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Full Download. A pop-up will ask you to create an account or sign in. This is separate from your CSP login. Create an account.
  2. The next pop-up will ask you to check a box agreeing that you have downloaded Adobe Digital Editions. Click on the link it provides. This will open the Adobe Digital Editions app page in your device's app store. If the redirect is unsuccessful, open your app store and search for Adobe Digital Editions. Install and open the app.
  3. Log into the app by clicking the menu icon on the top left corner. Select Settings, then select Authorize. You can also create an adobe account. This is separate from the account you created in EBSCO. If you connect your Adobe ID with Facebook, Google, or Apple, you will need to go into Password and Security and create a password in order to log in on your device. Once this is complete, you can enter your username and password on the Adobe Digital Editions app.

I have more questions!

Check out EBSCOhost's eBooks User Guide or start a chat with a CSP librarian!