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Hmong Studies

Use this guide to find sources about Hmong culture and history.

Searching for Hmong Studies Sources

When searching in the library's resources, it's important to think about the keywords - or search terms - you use. In Hmong studies, there are several phrases you can search in addition to the word 'Hmong', for example:

  • Miao is being used in China. 
  • Meo was used in Laos before 1975.
  • Hmong is currently in use. 
  • H’moung is being used in Vietnam. 
  • Mong is being used in Thailand.

Try searching the different terms for Hmong to find different resources. 

Alternatively, in many of our databases, you can combine these terms by searching: Miao OR Meo OR Hmong OR H'moung OR Mong. When you search this way, the database will find anywhere one of those terms is used.

Searching for Specific Hmong Topics

In addition to simply searching 'Hmong' in the library's database, consider adding additional keywords to narrow your search. You can add different aspects of Hmong history and life to help focus your search results. For example, try searching:

  • Hmong AND family
  • Hmong AND history
  • (Miao OR Meo OR Hmong OR H'moung OR Mong) AND culture
  • (Miao OR Meo OR Hmong OR H'moung OR Mong) AND relationships
  • Hmong AND [your topic]


Not sure what keywords to try? Or not finding what you need? Ask a librarian and we'll be happy to help you!

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