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Human Resource Management

Business Statistics

Business statistics are useful tools for helping to solidify an argument or recommendation. The Library subscribes to a database called Statista which specializes in statistics and data:

Using Statista to Find Business Statistics

1. Start your search with general terms

  • You are more likely to find what you need when you start with broader terms
    • For example, even if you are researching a specific company, such as Peloton, start with a general term like fitness equipment

Screenshot of a search in the Statista database for fitness equipment


2. Pay attention to the different types of resources in your search results

  • Individual statistics have a blue icon
  • Larger collections of statistics on a topic (called Dossiers) have an orange icon
  • Topic reports containing facts and analysis have a red icon


3. Find individual statistics

  • Individual statistics are visualizations of specific questions from surveys or questionnaires
  • When looking at a statistic, you can download it in various file types (convenient when building a presentation) and auto-generate a citation in APA by clicking the quotation icon
  • You can also see where the statistics came from along with details of the study, such as the number of total respondents, their demographics, and the date range of the survey


4. Look for reports or dossiers on your topic/company

  • Reports and dossiers are collections of statistics on a related topic, making them useful tools for learning about demographic and psychographic trends
  • Statista also includes brand reports, which include statistics and analysis about a specific brand or company