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Music History

Use this guide to research in music history courses.

Researching Music History

When researching music history, try finding information on different aspects of your topic. For example, encyclopedias and dictionaries are great for finding the following information:

  • Biographical information
  • Dates
  • Timelines
  • Facts about a person or genre of music
  • Brief history

After you find some background information, use those concepts to find in-depth sources, such as books and articles.

For example, in scholarly articles, you may find:

  • Analyses of pieces of music
  • An in-depth look at a particular composer or musician
  • How a specific piece of music fits within the time period it was created

Using a variety of types of resources will help you find the information you need.

Using Keywords for Music

The words you use to search make a difference when searching in library databases. Use these tips to help you find sources more quickly:

  • Search for a composer's name combined with a specific piece of music or theme. For example:
    • Beethoven AND early life
    • Beethoven AND piano concertos
    • Beethoven AND hearing loss
  • Search for a piece of music combined with a theme or historical importance. For example:
    • Gershwin AND Rhapsody in Blue AND jazz
  • Getting too many results? Add another search term.
  • Not finding enough? Remove or change your search terms.

If you're still stuck, try using the tutorial below: