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Affordable Course Materials

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Definition

A course is considered a ZTC when all required textbooks can be accessed online for free. These materials may be any combination of OER, public online materials, or library licensed materials.

Zero Cost Course Materials, What are my choices?  Open Educational Resources (OER) - Openly licensed materials in any medium digital or otherwise, for use as teaching and learning materials. Public Online Materials - Materials that are posted freely online by their content creators. Link directly to these materials. Examples include Ted Talks on YouTube, blog posts, etc. Library Licensed Materials - Materials that the library can license for use by your students. Examples include ebooks, journal articles, streaming videos, etc. Putting It All Together - Use any combination of these materials to customize your course materials to cover the topics you teach.

Research & Writing Support

Associate Director of Library & Academic Support Services
Photo of Rachel Wightman

Rachel Wightman
(651) 603-6309
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Senior Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Photo of Dan Hoiland

Dan Hoiland
(651) 603-6259
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Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Photo of Elizabeth Jacobson

Elizabeth Jacobson
(651) 641-8244
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Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Photo of Sammy Strootman

Sammy Strootman
(651) 641-8225
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Writing Support Coordinator
Photo of Anna Fritze

Anna Fritze
(651) 641-8769