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CI 564: Assessment, Evaluation and Supervision in Literacy Programs

Find Standardized Reading Assessments

1. Google Search

There are times it may be helpful to search Google. Google may work best to find basic information and descriptions, or publication details about your chosen assessment.

2. Publication Information

Use the publisher's website to collect basic information about the test (e.g. original test/assessment author, publisher, age range, components, etc.)

Tips for ERIC Database

Use a Tests/Questionnaires Filter

Use the ERIC database to search for articles and reports about the test. In addition to a basic keyword search using the name of the test, you can use the Tests/Questionnaires filter.  

1. Enter a keyword into the search box.

2. Use the Publication Type box and filter to Tests/Questionnaires.

Use the name of an assessment as a keyword search in the Eric database.

Use the Publication Type filter checkbox and select the tests and questionnaires option.

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