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CSP Library StyleGuide Standards and Best Practices

CSP Library standards and guidelines for creating LibGuides at the CSP Library.

Credo Module

To add a Credo Module to your guide, please provide a brief description and then add it as a link instead of an image that is link. 

Always verify that that the link has not been already created. You do not need to make a copy when reusing a link. 

Credo Modules Example

Why Information Literacy Matters
The world has profoundly changed in the last few decades—a change more drastic than any other in human history. We can access almost any information we need, at any time, from any place. The amount of information available is astounding and growing at an exponential rate.

Every day, we receive the equivalent of 174 newspapers' worth of data and information. Thirty years ago, this was closer to 40 newspapers per day. Even further back, 100 years ago, people were lucky to read 50 books in their entire lifetime.