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Advanced Search Techniques

Use these techniques to expand your search strategies.

Using Google Scholar

There are times it may be helpful to try searching Google Scholar. Google Scholar will find a LOT of scholarly articles, and it may be harder to narrow by topic. But it can be helpful if you are struggling to find sources. It is also helpful if you want to understand what literature is available on a topic.

When searching in Google Scholar, access it through the CSP library (link below). This will provide links to articles available in the CSP library and help you find the full text. 

How to Search Google Scholar

Use Get It

Get It Icon

The Get It button appears when full-text is not available in a particular database. Click the button to search for the full text in the rest of the CSP Library's databases. If full-text is available, you will be provided with a link. If not, you can choose to submit a "Request from another library". We provide more information on how to request partner items on our website.