Seminal articles -- also known as landmark or classic articles -- are sources that make a large impact within a discipline and are regularly referenced in current research. These articles presented new ideas when first published and influenced a major change in thinking within the discipline.
One of the best ways to find seminal articles is to see how many times the article has been cited. Seminal articles are important to the field and will generally be cited many times.
Google Scholar is a great place to see how many times an article has been cited. Look below the abstract to see the number of times an article has been cited.
Search for the title of an article in Google Scholar to see how many times it has been cited. The more times it has been cited the more likely it is to be important in the field or discipline.
You might not have access to all articles you find on Google Scholar. If you want to find a specific article, use our guide on finding articles from citations: Find an Article From Citation
Look for small red arrows on the results page of OneSearch. These allow you to find articles that cite the article you are looking at:
After clicking on the arrows, you will see a list of articles in OneSearch citing the articles:
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