At CSP, when we use the term “Assessment,” we are typically referring to the process by which we evaluate how well students can demonstrate their learning of outcomes/objectives at the course, program, and institutional levels. We set out these outcomes/objectives in the form of student learning outcomes. (SLOs). As of June 30, 2019, CSP no longer uses eLumen for the assessment of learning outcomes. Blackboard offers several ways to use embedded rubrics and tests for assessing CORE and academic program outcomes, including Blackboard Outcomes and EAC.
If you have any questions regarding which type of assessment your program is using, please reach out to your program chair. For more information on either Outcomes or EAC, please visit the information below.
If you have any further questions regarding assessment, please visit the CSP Assessment & Accreditation site or reach out to your program chair.
EAC Visual Data is a third-party tool that integrates seamlessly with Blackboard. EAC uses “primary” assessment, that is, instructor-scored rubrics, tests, discussion boards, etc. It allows for the reporting of in-course student achievement data across sections and terms. EAC is based on aligning student learning outcomes (program, CORE, Graduate) with rubric rows and test questions.
For more information on this tool, please visit the EAC Support Site or review the below information.
The following documentation will walk program chairs and/or coordinators through adding an assessment column in Blackboard Courses for EAC assessment purposes
These instructions are intended to support faculty whose course is in the Blackboard Ultra view.
Deans and program chairs may need to access EAC to view aggregated assessment data. Individual instructors can follow these steps as well to view data from courses they have taught.
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For help with course or instructional design, email us at
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Library and Academic Support Services
Concordia University, St. Paul
1282 Concordia Aveneu
Saint Paul, MN 55104
© Concordia University, St. Paul