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Faculty & Instructors

Course Reserves

Our course reserves service allows professors to place physical materials on reserve for limited use. This allows access to the materials for all students in a class. 

Course Reserves are shelved behind the library’s Information Desk and students need to present their University ID in order to check them out. The materials are arranged alphabetically by class, so patrons will need to know the class number in order for the desk worker to find the item, e.g. COM 103.


When placing reserves, please keep in mind these things: 

  • Allow at least 5 working days for your reserve items to be processed and made available for student use.
  • You may have either the Concordia University Library's copy of the book placed on reserve or your own personal copy. If the library doesn't own a copy of the book, faculty may contact their Subject Librarian about potentially purchasing a copy for the library. 
  • Professors can choose to have the reserve check-out period available for either 3 hours, 3 days, or 7 days. 
  • Verifying copyright coverage or obtaining copyright permission and paying copyright fees for course reserves is the responsibility of the instructor or department. If a reserve request breaks this policy, it will not be processed. 

What happens to reserve items at the end of the semester?
Items will be taken off of reserve at the end of the semester unless otherwise specified. Items owned by the library will be reshelved. Faculty will be notified after personal items are withdrawn from reserve and available for pickup.