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Faculty & Instructors

What is Leganto?

Leganto is a tool that helps faculty and librarians create and manage lists of course resources, such as articles, ebook chapters, and videos. Leganto connects with My Courses and allows students to seamlessly access materials directly from their course.

Benefits to Using Resource Lists

  • Add items directly from the Library’s collection, link directly to online content (websites, videos, etc.), or upload your own documents
  • Make materials available to students at little or no cost and reduce the chance of possible access restrictions (such as paywalls) or broken links
  • Access materials directly from My Courses, limiting the number of clicks to reach course materials  
  • View analytics to determine how students engaged with course resources


Screenshot of a Leganto reading list, viewing the resources students need to read for Week 1 of the course

View of a resource list's weekly section opened within a My Courses course. Materials can be organized to match your course's structure.

Leganto in My Courses

Course Materials are connected to My Courses courses via an LTI connection. This kind of connection benefits students by limiting the number of separate logins needed to reach any course resources. After signing into My Courses to reach their course, students will not need to sign in again when accessing materials through the Library, making it easier and faster to get to their course resources.

If your course’s Leganto List is not displaying properly for you or your students, contact the liaison librarian for your program or email library to help troubleshoot the issue. 


Screenshot of an article in a Leganto reading list, which includes direct links to the text in several library databases.

Students can quickly access materials from the resource list, such as this journal article included in several Library databases.

Using Analytics

Leganto tracks usage statistics which gives faculty a snapshot of their students' levels of engagement. Within a list, select the Analytics button (shown in the screenshot below) to enable Analysis Mode. In this mode, instructors can view:

  • the number of Active Students who separately interacted with each resource
  • the Total Number of Activities (views) for each resource
  • the overall engagement level of the resource. If students aren't using a resource, librarians can help find an alternative

Screenshot of a sample course's analytics, showing total student usage and overall engagement level for each item

How Librarians Can Help

Librarians can help add a resource list to your course, search for possible materials in the Library’s collection or elsewhere online, and help troubleshoot any issues. 

Contact your liaison if you have any questions about an existing list or about setting up a list for a course.

Liaison Librarians

Associate Director of Library & Academic Support Services
Photo of Rachel Wightman

Rachel Wightman
(651) 603-6309
Make an appointment

Senior Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Photo of Dan Hoiland

Dan Hoiland
(651) 603-6259
Make an appointment

Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Photo of Elizabeth Jacobson

Elizabeth Jacobson
(651) 641-8244
Make an appointment

Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Photo of Sammy Strootman

Sammy Strootman
(651) 641-8225
Make an appointment

Tutoring Manager
Photo of Michael Pittman

Michael Pittman
(651) 641-8296

Writing Support Coordinator
Photo of Anna Fritze

Anna Fritze
(651) 641-8769
Make an appointment